

Christmas Cookie Recipes

I’m cracking up because the other day when I was baking with Jake we started talking about my grandma's recipes and her cooking... how we both miss it! We got to talking about how we literally never saw her ‘not fancied up’... even when she was baking a million cookies for the fam.

5 Ways to Stay Active During the Holidays

If you have followed me for even a short bit, you can probably get the gist that I’m not someone to turn to for workout advice...... like even in the slightest. Lol! But, I try my hardest and I swear it’s the little things that keep me feeling healthy.

Favorite Christmas Movies

There is something about the holidays that makes snuggling up on the couch watching movies so much better! I don't know if it is the comfier-than -usual loungewear/pajamas, the glow of the Christmas tree, or just the magic of Christmas!

November IG Recap

Y'all... I blinked and November disappeared! WHAT?! Where does the time go?! It was a pretty busy month with getting ready for baby boy, Thanksgiving, ALL.OF.THE.SALES, and spending some sweet quality time with Jake!


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